Mustang Grant Application

This grant program is for larger grant requests that will involve several months to implement and several resources will be needed.

If you are not sure that your grant fits the criteria of the grant program, you may first send an email to with your questions and the Grant Committee will advise you how to proceed.

Mustang Grants should be submitted by the following dates for board review; January 15, April 15, July 15, October 15.


By accepting funding, the grant recipient(s) agree(s) to:

  1. When appearing in news articles (332 in Review, Kanabec County Times, etc.), on printed marketing materials, in interviews, etc. include at a minimum the statement “This project is fully/partially (select one) supported by a grant from the Mora Education Foundation.”
  2. Expend grant funds within the time period specified in the approved grant application but within one year from the grant approval date.
  3. Request approval from the MEF Board prior to making changes to the project scope.
  4. Submit a final evaluation summary within 30 days after completion of the project. The summary must include a written assessment of the project (positives/negatives), pictures (emailed to us or on a cd), video when appropriate, and a complete expenditure report (form provided by MEF).
  5. For year-long projects, please submit quarterly reports (3/31, 6/30, 9/30, 12/31).
  6. When feasible, make equipment and material accessible to other educators, staff and administrators.
  7. For ISD #332 grants, assure that all equipment and materials acquired with Mora Education Foundation grant monies are labeled “Property of ISD #332 through a grant from the Mora Education Foundation.”
  8. Participate in a Grant Review Audit if requested to do so by the Mora Education Foundation.
Mustang Grant Application
If you answer Yes to this question, the project is not eligible for an MEF grant. If you answer Unknown, please send an email to the MEF Grant Committee at moraedfdngrants@gmailcom for guidance.
If you answer No to this question, the project is not eligible for an MEF grant.
If you answered Yes, it is only necessary to complete the Project Information and Applicant Information sections, in the Grant Information section #6 & #7. If any other information has changed, it would not be a repeat grant and the entire form must be completed.
(example: math, reading, community service, etc.)
If Total Project Cost is more than Amount Requested, complete #7 under Grant Information section.
Please provide Name(s) and Phone and/or Email info.
Grant Information
Summarize the intent of this project. Please include goals and specific objectives. Explain multiple phases or time line of activities.
State how this project will significantly influence learners.
Who and how many learners do you estimate will benefit from this project?
Explain the activities of this project and how they will be used to meet the objectives stated in #1.
Describe how this project will be evaluated to determine if objectives are met. If you have an evaluation form that will be used, please email a copy separately to Evaluations are due within thirty days after the project is completed.
List the expenses for this project and indicate whether the expense will be paid from grant funds or, if applicable, from an additional funding source.
If applicable, explain in-kind funding being received from other sources.
Add comments that do not fit in the categories above.

An administrator\’s approval is required for Mustang grants. Please contact your principal or the superintendent and have them send an email to stating that they have
reviewed and approve of this grant.

Upon submission, after about 10-30 seconds, you will see a \”Success\” message displayed. You will also receive an email confirming your submission details.