Grant Information

Mustang Grant Sensory materials

Mustang Grant Sensory materials

The Mora Education Foundation Mission Statement is “To enhance the education of Mora Public School learners by supporting innovative initiatives through the development and application of community resources.”

Persons eligible to apply for grants:

Mora Public School educators, administrators, other District personnel, parents, student groups (under teacher supervision), and community individuals or organizations (parent/teacher associations, fine arts groups, civic groups, etc.) are all eligible to apply.

Eligible Proposal/Criteria

Essential Features of the Project

  1. Project should focus on creative and unique learning experiences that complement or extend the existing academic program.
  2. Enrich and enhance the learner’s learning experiences
  3. Strengthen the school/home/community partnership
  4. Clearly define project goals which are obtainable, measurable, and consistent with the District’s learner outcomes
  5. Include positive long-term implications

New grant proposals must:

  1. Be original and innovative;
  2. Supplement learning experiences through innovative use of materials and/or activities;
  3. Reflect sound methods of instruction in both design and implementation;
  4. Be for a project not previously paid for by tax dollars.

Repeat grant proposals:

Repeat grant proposals may be submitted for a previously MEF funded project. For a grant to be repeated only the participants, amount requested, and timeline may be different than the original funded grant. The criteria below must also be met:

  1. Final evaluation summary for previous grant has been completed.
  2. If the grant was selected for an audit review, suggestions made by the Grant Audit Review committee are taken into consideration when submitting the grant proposal.

Note: Repeat grant proposals are not automatically funded.

Funding Limitations

Proposals will not be considered if:

  1. the project requirements should normally be paid for by tax dollars;
  2. the project has been or is currently funded by tax dollars;
  3. the funds are to be allocated for any form of staff salary;
  4. the funds are for capital expenditures, i.e. replacement of a gym floor, computer hardware replacement, etc. unless a case can be made that the capital item is needed and instrumental for the project; or
  5. the funds are for a project that has been completed.

The Mora Education Foundation will not contribute to:

  1. Political parties, offices or candidates
  2. Educators who cannot provide adequate accounting records or procedures

Award of Funds

The number of grants awarded will depend on Mora Education Foundation funds available. Grants will be awarded according to the type of grant, i.e. Mini, Pony Express or Mustang.  If, however, there are no strong proposals submitted, the MEF will retain the funds for future awards.

Submission of Grant Application and Selection Information


Applications are submitted online, click on this link.

Selection Information

  1. Applications will be evaluated and commented on by MEF Directors or a Grant Review Committee consisting of MEF Directors, educators and others as deemed necessary by the MEF Board.
  2. Final funding decisions will be made by the Mora Education Foundation Board of Directors or a committee thereof.
  3. Applicants will be advised of the decision within 30 days following the application deadline.
  4. For each grant application submitted, one of the following decisions will be made:
    1. funded as requested
    2. funded with conditions
    3. additional information required before a decision can be made
    4. not funded with reasons for denial

Funds will be available approximately ten days after approval of grant.

Responsibility of Grant Recipients

  1. In news articles (332 in Review, Kanabec County Times, Mora Advertiser, etc.), on printed marketing materials, in interviews, etc. include at a minimum the statement “This project is fully/partially (select one) supported by a grant from the Mora Education Foundation.”
  2. Expend grant funds within the time period specified in the approved grant application but within one year from the grant approval date.
  3. Request approval from the MEF Board prior to making changes to the project scope.
  4. Submit a final evaluation summary within 30 days after completion of the project.  The summary must include a written assessment of the project stating if the project met the objectives as stated in the grant application and if not, why not. Include in the assessment quotes from students, parents, etc. along with pictures, video, etc. when appropriate. A complete expense form must also be submitted. (Form provided by MEF).
  5. Year-long projects, please submit quarterly reports (3/31, 6/30, 9/30, 12/31)
  6. When feasible, make equipment and material accessible to other educators, staff and administrators
  7. Assure that all equipment and materials acquired with Mora Education Foundation grant monies are labeled “Property of ISD #332 through a grant from the Mora Education Foundation.”
  8. Participate in a Grant Review Audit if requested to do so by the MEF.